Saturday, June 30, 2012


today i finally ordered ALL of the pictures from the girls birth! the ones the anesthesiologist was SOO incredibly awesome to take. she was running a circus act in that room. got pictures of EVERY thing. dad cutting both chords, me kissing each babe when they came out, robert kissing me and the girls, robert holding BOTH of the girls- she literally shoved a baby in each arm and was like "SMILE!"
and i'm so grateful she was so into capturing it all for me.
because i look at that picture above, and i'm in complete AWE!
of my little Lucy, with her arm outstretched, finally ready to meet this world and discover all the incredible things that God has created. and just a few moments after this photo was snapped, they pulled out a SECOND miracle..... Lucy's best friend for life, her sister Sky:)
i CANNOT believe they grew inside me for 38 WEEKS!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


my first batch of postal pix, from all my instagram photos, came in the mail today and i cannot wait to start scrap-booking and putting 'em up all around my house on magnetic boards. I ordered photos from my entire pregnancy, the labor and the past 6 months.

the above 3 photos i want framed together in a row, exactly as seen, and put somewhere in the house immediately! i used a fun photo app for this picture, of the pictures, called qbro, so the colors are a bit off compared to what the photos look like in real life.... but you get the idea:)
it's been a busy week and tonight was our date night. so, the girls headed to the grandparents, as they do every friday night, for a sleepover.
but here i find myself, at 5 am, anxiously awaiting their return.
they are my best friends.
i suppose i should go try for more sleep because they don't get home until 9am or so.
hope you're all in for a fantastic weekend:)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

i cannot breathe......

 it's the folds in your arms, the creases of your necks, your defined hairlines. your tiny feet and tiny toes

the brightest of eyes....

the lashes for days

the laughing smiles, the faces

the intensity of your concentration

and i really cannot comprehend
that i ever lived in a world
without both of you in it.
love, me
(your mom)