Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a Small World Afterall.....

"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl......"
wait, no, that's Ferris Bueller.
lets try this again:
My bestie Amy over at ThePeachTree has the really awesome boyfriend, papa J (that's not his real name but rather what we call him) who makes these magical paintings.
he recently opened up a shop on etsy called
check it:
incredible right?
in the artist's words:
"Each painting is created from the ground up -- from cutting the canvas to pouring the frames into a specialized mold. I draw inspiration from the people, architecture and daily routines of NYC where I have lived for over a decade."

this morning amy sent me the photo below of papa j's brushes & a train case i customized for them with a wall of his art. i about melted......
i love new shops. i adore this small world that's been created:)
here's to a great year for this shop!


  1. You light up our small world :) xoxo!!

  2. saw those little gems - lurvley!

  3. Wonderful paintings! Best wishes for the new shop!

  4. I am a little obsessed with these paintings! I am crazy about the texture and color - they are amazing!

  5. oh those are lovely pieces! i'm sure his new shoppe will be a total success with these kinds of art smarts. plus, love the way you started this post, you're all kinds of hilarious and i adore it! ♥
