Saturday, July 7, 2012


a happy saturday is what today was:)
a walk at Charles park, good naps, lots of iced coffee, headband wearing for the littles and topped off by a relaxing cook-out with our DEAR friends Zach & Abby plus their 2 boys, Kai & Judah- to CELEBRATE ABBY'S BIRTHDAY!!!
both of her boys are super sweet with our girls. i love the adoration in Kai's face above, as he tries to make Sky smile during her "fussy, teeth-cutting, pre-bath time". it's rough stuff being just 7 months old!
I captured a short video of Abby helping little miss Sky do some walking. it's gonna be a video that i look back on with great affection.
you can hear Lucy's voice in the background, the summer playlist is softly singing and Abby's encouraging words help my girl to put one tiny foot in front of the other.....
XOX, rachel

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