Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Curse part 1

i was going to write an entry about my pregnancy with my twins, who are currently 7 1/2 months old. i started going through all of my iphone photos i had taken throughout and realized, there is NO WAY i can write just ONE entry to tell this story. it's a NOVEL!
but i realllllly wanna share it. so i've decided i will just have to share it little by little.
my pregnancy was so HORRID that i wasn't able to blog much during it.
like, i was sick EVERY, SINGLE, DAY of it horrid.
and i'm not kidding.
and my girls went FULL TERM for twins
38 weeks
of sheer misery
now, would i change a thing? NEVER!!!!! they were worth EVERY SINGLE rancid minute of it.
but it was something for the books. something i want to share, in case any of you other momma's out there are struggling. i feel like i was born to be a "mom" but i do not feel like i was born to be "pregnant".
the photo above is a series of shots i took making silly faces on the day i should have known something was up. the day i should have known i was pregnant.
i will NEVER forget how EXHAUSTED i was just spending the afternoon with my friend Abby's 4, nearly 5 year old son, Kai. i was a nanny for years of THREE boys. i'm the oldest of 5. i grew up baby-sitting mass amounts of kids.
one boy for 3 hours should have been a piece of cake!?!
yet i remember draaaaagggging. trying so hard to keep my eyelids open.
so, i guess technically the first 4-6 weeks weren't pure torture because on this day i was just plain old tired.
it would be about 2 weeks later that the true AGONY would begin.
i had NO IDEA what i was in for....
i think that's enough for today:)
i love you Lucy & Sky
xo, mama

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