Sky took a 3 HOUR nap this afternoon so i decided to take Lucy for a swim. i thought it would be fun to document the familiar views the girls have EVERY time we take them to the pool. i wanted to shoot them in black and white, just because:)

entry ahead

love the sound the gate makes when we open it

sweet little path

ahhhh, the pool in all it's glory!

we take a stop off at the waterfalls.....
let's be honest, we spend half of our time at the falls;)

and we always need to take some time and rest, soak it all in, etc.
nothing like floating in a pool in July....

the LASHES on BOTH of my girls make me gasp EVERY time they are wet.
dad is coming home tomm. AND it is his 31st birthday!
happy weekend:)
XOX, rachel & Lucy
Your girls are so adorable :) Like I've said in the past ;) Super enjoy having peeks into your mommy life